Saturday, September 17, 2011

San Gimignano and my first experience with a European ER

So my Mom can stop freaking out, it wasn't me involved in the ER and it wasn't anything serious. A friend just needed to see a doctor and that was the only way, but I will get to that later. We call that a "gotcha" headline in the business.

So Ann had taken off to do some hiking and I decided to meet up with a friend (Laura) and her Mom who were traveling about an hour south of me by bus in San Gimignano. I got up about 6:30am to figure out this fandangeled thing they call a bus system. All I knew was that I needed to go to the ticket station, about a 10 minute walk from my hotel, and figure out how and when I will get to San G.

Lucky for me this was easy. It was a two bus trip. First bus takes me to Poggibonsi (45 mins), I get off at the stop and the next bus comes 10 minutes later to take me to San G. (20 mins). Only cost 7 Euros too. Not to shabby and simple enough. I took the direct or express buses direct city to city, to avoid endless stops.

I got to San G at about 9:30am and wasn't meeting with with Laura until 11am. I decided to explore the city a little. Not San G is an old medieval town/fortress on the top of a hill and let me say, it is awesome looking. So far the coolest town I had visited in Italy. Every alley way is lined with unique shops, the view of the hillsides are amazing and the old towers are badass looking. This already was a great decision. Then, in the main square, I find a gelato shop that just happened to be the Gelato world champion from 2006-2009. Let me say, they lived up to their name. I ended up having it three times that day.

After checking into my hotel, which turned out to be an apartment to my self, I waited for Laura and her Mom. They got there a little after 11am and we started to see the sites. Laura wasn't feeling top notch, apparently her stomach had been bothering her for the last 6 or 7 days. Ignoring that, we visited the church with beautiful frescos, climbed the highest tower to get an amazing view (pictures to come) and walked through a museum of medieval art. I will say, medieval art is really not my style. Laura's mom was generous enough to pay the entrance fees despite my protest, but at the end of the day I wont complain about saving a few Euros. She is a really nice person.

We got lunch and then visited a torture museum (not my style) and then Laura really wasn't feeling well. We went back to their hotel and Laura rested for a bit while I talked to her mom (she is a geneticist and it was great learning more about a new subject. Laura still wasn't feeling well and after talking to her and her mom for a bit I was 95% sure she had developed acid reflux. Her mom, being a mom about to leave her caught in a foreign country for 6 months was insistent and visiting an ER (the only way to see a doctor at this point). I can't say I blame her.

We decide to go to the ER and I accompany them at her mom's request (I didn't mind, beat sitting in my room or wandering a city alone). Long story short, after 4.5 hours of trying to communicate, long waits and an annoyed nurse, they agreed it was acid reflux and she got a prescription. American ER's are no more or less efficient than an Italian one, but here is the difference. Not a single person spoke English. They finally found one person who worked in a completely different part of the hospital. In an American hospital you can find someone who speaks just about any language with enough effort, especially major ones.... You can go to any restaurant and find a english speaking server, but not a single nurse or

We finally leave, they drop me off at the gates to San G (I was staying in town, they were just outside). I got some more gelato and went to listen to a live bind playing in the town square (pop music mixed with punk). Laura and her mom invited me to join them the next day to visit Siena. I was happy to accept, see a new town, which is similar to San G, but much larger. And it would be nice to hang out with my friend while she is feeling better.

It was a good day full of adventure. I like not know what each day brings. I like learning new things and seeing new places. This trip is exactly what I was looking for.

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