Monday, September 19, 2011

My 121 Euro Mistake - A Bad Travel Day

Today I left Florence for Bologna with Ann. She is visiting a friend there, while I am flying out of there to Budapest, Hungary (Finally going to get rid of my bags).

The day started off rough, we knew there were 15 Euro regional trains running to Bologna, but couldn't find them at the station, so we had to book the 25 Euro Express (wasted 10 euros).

Once we get there we look for Ann's friend and end up waiting over an hour at the station for him. Turns out his train was late and he e-mailed us, but we didn't have Internet access to get it. Oh well.

He went to school in Bologna (he is Italian) and took us around the city. It is a pretty cool town, mostly (and literally) centered around the University there. The University makes up the center of town and Bologna is built in a circle around that center with main streets running out from the center to a circle street around the city (like spokes on a wheel).

We ate lunch at the University cafeteria, which is cheaper as we posed being students and I won't lie, it was pretty good. It was fun being surrounded by people around my age again. After lunch we walked around the city and found a huge stone tower. It is one of the largest medieval towers in all of Italy, so of course I had to climb it (inside, with stairs - don't worry). Ann and her friend ran and errand while I soloed this beast.

The climb was not the best for someone with a mild fear of heights (I don't have a fear of heights really, I have a fear of falling from heights). The stair case inside was wooden and a few hundred years old, worn down and it showed were it was patched, never replaced. Also, some of the stair cases leaned. It was not a reassuring climb, but when is adventure comforting and easy, right?

After reaching the top it was an amazing view. You could see the entire city for miles and miles. You could view the mountains to the South and the plains to the North. It was easily the tallest structure in the city. I headed down (worse than going up) and met back up with my friends. It was time to return to the train station.

I got to the train station, retrieved my bags and found a bus to the airport of Bologna as directed by my Italian friend. After a 25 minute ride and 6 Euros I got there. But I had a weird feeling. I look inside for my flight and don't see it, in fact I don't see anything for my airline. After the start of a mild panic attack I find an info desk with possibly the best English speaking Italian I have met so far. There is were it starts to suck.

Talking to the girl at the info desk I find that I have been sent to the wrong airport. The airport I need Bologna/Forli is 60 minutes car. Luckily I got there early, so I have about 3 hours till my flight.

I find a cab and ask how much....120 euros.....That is twice as much as my flight+checked bags+taxes......that is almost 200 dollars...FOR A CAB RIDE! I am pissed, but I don't have any other options. If I don't, I will probably miss my flight and the next one is in 2 days. I hop in the cab and enjoy my extremely expensive 60 minute drive.

I get to the airport in quite a foul mood. I realize this is my fault, I should have done more research and made sure, but I am mildly upset that everyone I asked about it didn't seem fit to ask which one. I mean, how do I know there are TWO Bologna airports. This city is only 300,000 people!

I get to the airport, wait in line to check my bags and find out that the poorly translated instructions on the airline website have left me without my printed out boarding pass. apparently, print boarding pass must mean, print receipt and not pass in Hungarian (Or it just means I am a freaking idiot who skims too much). That is going to be another 60 Euro charge for checking in at the airport (that is how discount airlines work). Luckily, the kind lady at the counter takes pity on the travel worn idiot of an American and lets it slide this time (I think...hope I am not getting charged for that later). Bless her heart, because I think I would have curled up into a ball right there while I looked at my rapidly draining bank account otherwise.

Now I am writing this from the airport as my plane rolls in, so it could be worst. I guess I should just be happy and thankful that this is my first travel mishap it isn't too bad, just a little loss of money on my stupidity. Now off to Hungary!

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