Thursday, September 29, 2011

Matt and I Find a Water Park

So Sunday is a pretty calm. I spend a lot of it applying for jobs, relaxing and planning my up coming trips. I decide to go to a Catholic church service with Edit and Matt. Let me tell you, it is hard to understand what is going on when the service is in Hungarian, but it was still pretty cool. After this Matt and Edit have pre-marriage "prep" with their priest, so I decide to wander the city some. After awhile I get bored and head home. A quite Sunday, but a nice one. I enjoy being in a foreign city and not feel the pressure to see or do things. It is calm, just like living at home, but you are somewhere completely different.

Monday is a lot more of the same. I go downtown to buy my bus ticket to Vienna, but past that don't do much until Matt gets home and that is when the fun starts.

So Matt and I wanted to go to a hot spring, but couldn't find a good one nearby, but what we did find - and by we I mean Edit was searching for us because she is awesome - is a kind of hot spring place at a Ramada Inn near us. It also has a water slide or too. Sounds good and only costs like $10 for a hours.

Matt and I head there by bus, which is an adventure because we are not 100% sure where we are going. After trying to communicate with a non-english speaking bus driver we get about 1/2 there. This bus driver was just the friendliest guy. He knew we were on the wrong bus and even though we couldn't understand each other did a great job conveying which bus we need. Shortly after on the next bus we pass him and he sees us and waves. Meeting people like that makes my day.

After a little journey we finally get to the hotel with water park. We get inside to find it is a full on indoor water park. We are talking 6 full water slides, a wave pool, a flush (water slide that then flushes you down in the middle), a diving pool, some smaller water slides, a few hot tubs and some larger pools for chilling that go in and outside (heated).

This place is awesome. Matt and I go from mid-20-year-olds to 10-year-olds in a heart beat. We can't decide what to do first. We are literally running from one slide to the other. Most of the big water slides involve tubes you sit in to go down. Matt and I find a double tube and like kids start riding them all together. At one point Matt turns around and I become Luke Skywalker and he becomes Porky as we take down the Deathstar.

A personal favorite moment, more for Matt than me, was when I was going down the big non-tube slide. I was making fake excited screaming noises knowing Matt could hear me and then it got real fast. The slide (its pitch dark in there fyi) just drops out of nowhere, I am going about 3 times faster and feel like I am straight up falling. My screams of sarcasm turn to legitimate screams of excitement and terror. This is very apparent to Matt, who is at the bottom waiting. When I get out I have a blank stare on my face at what just happened and Matt is rolling around laughing. He explains that could hear the change from a joke to absolute surprise in my screams. Maybe it was a moment you just had to be there for, but it gave us a good laugh and my quite a surprise.

At around 10pm we decide we should pack it up and figure out how to get home. But we know one thing for sure, we will be back and it probably won't be long until we come back.

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