Monday, October 24, 2011


So, one of the major Netherlands cities, Rotterdam, is a 20 minute train ride from Breda. I thought to my self, "why not check off another city? I hear cool things about this place." So I get up the next morning and head to the train station.

At the train station, the trains run there every 20 minutes or so. There are two trains fast (Fyra) and local. Local is a 40 minute ride. The faster train is only 1.70 more, so I go for it.

I try to order a ticket at a machine, but it won't accept my visa card and doesn't take bills, only coins. The ride is 10 Euros each way ($13.21). I go down to the booth with one of those old school humans in it. I say I don't have the coins and could use change, she says I can just order here. Sounds good to me. Here is the following conversation.

Her: You want the Rotterdam....11 euros - She said this very condescendingly.
Me: It is only 10 I thought
Her: 50 cent charge at booth
Me: Okay, so that is 10.50, not 11
Her: No, there is a 50 cent charge, it is 11 euros
Me: No, it is 10 euros, + the 50 cent charge is 10.50, 11 euros is a 1 euro charge.
Her (frustrated): It is 11 euros, you choose the more expensive train.
Me: Okay, well I just came here for change, can I just get the change so I can order it at the machine and not pay the extra charge you didn't tell me about till after
Her: Why didn't you just say so in the beginning?
Me: I did...that how the conversation started "I need change..."

I leave, buy my ticket at the machine for the 10 euros and feel good.

Shortly after I am in Rotterdam. Now the city isn't a party town or anything. It is a business city and port city. I found a tourist center and they had a good self-guided walking tour. I decide for that free option.

I start walking around the city and find that it is really cool. They have a very unique architectural style. They build their buildings to be unique and different, but yet they all seem to blend into the city so well. Often cities like this look weird, confusing and kind of rub me the wrong way once the "wow" factor wears off. Somehow Rotterdam got it just right. I keep going through the city, which is filled with canals and see the main sites.

Eventually I get to the river, inlet, not really sure what it is since we are so close to the sea. I find a good view, a bench and enjoy my home made meal (sandwich, candy, water). I keep walking down the river and eventually come across a beautiful park that I walk though. At the other end of the park is a giant tower. I come to learn it is an observatory. I am in. I don't like to spend money, it is only 6 euros to go to the top.

I go in and get a great view of the entire city. You can even take a ride that goes up to the very top of the needle and rotates around for even better pictures. I get my fill of the view and head down after a good 45 minutes. I feel I got a good run of the city and start heading back to the station. This is a long hike since I am on the other side of the city. Takes me about an hour, but I take some detours down cool looking shopping streets.

Eventually I get back to the train station, buy my Fyra ticket and wait. I find out that the Fyra train broke down and is canceled. Luckily, the regular local train leaves in about 5 minutes so I catch that one. The extra 20 minutes doesn't really make a difference on the ride home.

I get back and head to the house. Not sure what is going on tonight, but should be fun either way. Katja, Silvia and I end up going to the store, getting food for dinner, drinks for the night and heading back to their place. We cook and eat dinner and then sit around having different dutch beers and talking till 1 or 2 in the morning.

It was a great time just talking about our lives, philosophy, the future and anything that comes up. This is something I realized I was really missing the last year. Good, deep conversations. My favorite night is sitting around with a few good friends and discussing/arguing about some issue. It really forces you to think, develop new ideas and listen. I feel like my brain is so out of shape these days since I graduate college. I don't use it in the same way anymore. I don't go as deep into thought anymore, but this trip is getting me back there pretty fast.

We eventually all give up and go to bed. I go to Amsterdam tomorrow and this was a great send off. It is funny, Silvia and I talk about that we only really knew each other for 3 months when she lived in KC almost 6 years ago. We talked randomly after she left and then I saw her when she was in KC this last summer. But what is funny is how when you think about it we don't know each other that well, but yet we both feel like we know each other pretty well. Like there wasn't 5 to 6 years in between, like we stayed in contact the whole time. Life is funny that way sometimes.

Finally, after a long day, to sleep!

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