Saturday, October 15, 2011

As I Wander Through Copenhagen

After 6 days in a hostel with 11 other people in the same room, having a room to my self was like heaven. Now, I am surprised by how little I am bothered by sharing a room with a dozen people. I thought it would be terrible, and with the exception of that one night, it has gone great so far. But a room to my self, finally. I slept well and long, fully recharging for the day ahead.

I went downstairs, had a nice Danish breakfast, talked to Kirstan some more and then was off to get on a bus and then a train to downtown Copenhagen. Luckily, Kirstan is used to visitors so she always has spare bus tickets on hand (she is really amazing) and the bus stop is across the street. I said my goodbyes and thanks and got on the bus.

After a quick trip I was on a commuter train downtown. Now let me say something about Danish trains, they are like spaceships. They are so nice, smooth, comfortable, have sections for parking your bike, strollers, anything. I mean, this is how public transportation is done!

I get to the central station, find a locker for my bags and then realize I have no map or clue about the city. After some wandering I find the tourist center (400 meters away from the train station). I get a map, which conveniently includes a walking tour guide hitting up all the major sites I want to see.

I take off on my adventure walking through the city, seeing some famous buildings, looking at the canals and the cool shops. Not 20 minutes into my walk I strike gold. The Lego Store. Now, most people reading this might not realize, but growing up, my brothers and our friends pretty much lived for Legos. Contests of greatness were determined by Lego creations and nothing else. The Lego Store is the burning bush of our childhood. Now, Lego Land in Denmark - couldn't visit :-( - is the holy land. I strolled through the store looking at all the new Legos they have. In the store they have a lot of cool things they have built, like a 4 foot long Super Star Destroyer (epic). Finally, I got the strength to pull my self away from the store and leave. It took about all the energy I had though. I would spend a life time in there just playing if possible.

I again wander around, finally finding the palace. Last time I was there we watched to guards march around the square and my older brother stole one of the marble stones from the courtyard. I mean, one of the square ones from the mosaics on the ground. It is still to this day one of the best souvenirs one of us brothers have taken home with us. I tried to find another lose stone to take to my brother thinking that would be the ultimate Christmas gift, but couldn't find a loose one and the guards were watching my like hawks. They must have remembered us from last time. The family who pulled off the perfect crime.

I don't linger long around the palace and head back down the walking path. I come across a canal and am instantly hit with a wave of nostalgia. This is the place I was looking for. Now, when I think Denmark I think the house I stayed at and when I think Copenhagen, I think of this canal. It is has beautiful boats and a row of houses all different colors. I take pictures, wander around and finally get asked by some other foreigner to take their picture there, which is great because they can take one of me (that will make my Mom happy).

I take the picture, placing her in a third and the scenery in the other 2/3. She goes "um...its not right I want to be in the middle." I try to explain the rule of 2/3 when taking pictures. In fact, she doesn't want to be in the middle because it completely detracts from the background she is trying to get. She just glares at me and asks me to take another. Then there is a sign in it by her leg, but she choose to stand next to it! What am I supposed to do, magically make it disappear? Finally she gives up and takes mine. I am happy and walking away when it hits me. I am going to be in the center of my picture. dammit!

Oh well, moving on I find the second location I knew I had to find while here. The Little Mermaid Statue. Once there I take tons of pictures and just sit and reflect. It is a beautiful location, the weather is great and the memories are swelling in my head.

A big part of my adventure is trying to figure out what I really want to do with the rest of my life. I have a lot of options, but I need to decide and narrow it in. I can try to find work here in Europe and stay for a year and keep traveling. I can try to get a job in China (great work experience) or teach english in Asia for fun and traveling. I can go back to the States and find a job, but what industry? I know the type of job(s). Account management, strategic sales/business development. This trip has been amazing to sit and think about this, the problem is, I still can't decide what I want to do! I feel like I am walking forward, but I am not entirely sure what towards.

After thinking I keep walking, see a variety of sites (will spare the details, nothing special). Finally I meet up at the Danish train station with the nephews and their Dad. They were downtown as well. Tonight I am staying at Ulla's (about 45 minutes from downtown) and they are as well. We start our trek to her house.

When we get to Ulla's house I am mildly blown away. It is out in the country and has an amazing view (I will update with photos later when I can). The house itself is great as well. It is a square with a courtyard in the center. The entire inside has been remodeled (Ulla's husband is a carpenter). The rest of the night is relaxing and fun. We make dinner (well, they wouldn't let me help....but how do they know I am that bad at cooking!). For dinner Ulla's two sons (20) join us with their girlfriends. Last time I saw them they were 1 or so. They didn't remember me. I was pretty offended, haha.

After a while I crash nice and early enjoying another night of good sleep.

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