Saturday, October 22, 2011

Breda Day 2!

After waking up around 11am I feel refreshed. Headache gone and I am ready for some adventure. Sadly, it is still raining (also been like this in the Netherlands). Silvia doesn't have class but has to crank away on a project for a bit. I spend my time catching up on some work, job searching and figuring out my next few days in the Netherlands.

Finally, Silvia and I head into town to get some food. We go to her favorite pizza place and it lived up to the high reputation she set for it. We then move into the main square and get a beer at her favorite pub, also a great place. I do have a little fancy for the Dutch beer so far.

Tonight we are planning meeting up with her friends to drink, hangout and then go to a bar for the Dutch Oktoberfest (pretty small, mainly an excuse to drink German beer in large quantities). We got to the store, get some supplies (which involves gummy products for me. See Harbo, the best and original gummy snack company is German based and they have cheap products all over this area, so I buy a lot).

We head to her friends and hang out for a while. It was fun getting to know the group there. Conversations keep shifting between German and English. It is funny, in America we are taught to expect dislike towards American's while in Europe, but almost everyone I have talked to has been very interested in America, its people and culture. Very little negativity. I spend more time learning about each of the different friends back story, schooling and goals. It is an interesting group. Most of them are studying similar stuff that I did. Public relations, marketing, advertising, etc. Now let me note, this picture is of about half the group there.

Around midnight we head out back to the city center to find a bar. We hang out there for about an hour. I meet a bunch of other students and have good conversations with them. People are from all over. South Africa, Spain, Brazil, etc. I still can't believe I never studied abroad. What an idiot I am, but oh well. After a good time having a German beer or two and meeting new people we head home to crash.

Tomorrow, I take a train 20 minutes to Rotterdam!

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