Thursday, December 22, 2011

Last Day in Scotland or So I thought I Could Walk to My Hostel

I wake up, pack and catch a bus to Glasgow. I am not going to waste your time telling you about my incredibly boring wandering of Glasgow. Just know that you can leave it off of your list of cities you must visit. It is like Des Moines, great place to live and work, terrible to visit unless you know someone there.

The highlight of the day was when I asked a local what I should see in the city. She laughed and said, " you tried Edinburgh?"

Now, I fly out the next morning to Dublin. The airport I fly out of is about an hour south of Glasgow in the city of Prestwick. I take a train down there, which arrives at the airport. Luckily for me the hotel I am staying at is close to the hotel, within walking distance. Or so I thought.

I find out the place on the map is on the exact opposite side of the airport from where I am. But still, not a terrible walk. It is dark, I am tired and I start walking. As I start walking it starts to rain. So there I am, with my backpack, walking along an airport by the highway, it's raining and dark. After about 45 minutes, maybe an hour of walking I get to the village that the hostel is in. I keep walking up and down unable to find it.

I finally go into a local tavern and ask for directions. They look at me and say, "Oh, you can't walk to here or at least you don't want to. You are only half there and it is out in the woods." You are kidding right? Gosh dang. They call a cab for me and I take it the rest of the way there. So I spent a solid 1.5 hours walking in the dark, cold and rain to just have to take a cab anyway.

I finally get to the hotel and luckily I have my own room for once. This place is out of season, so they just book the rooms at cost they say. I only paid about $20 for my own room. Sadly, I still have to be up 4:30am to catch my 6:30am flight.

I spend the evening sitting in the bar, which has Wifi. After awhile I am the only person left and start talking to the guy who works the front desk. He is a pretty nice guy. Just got an iPad himself and wants to talk about it. After awhile, he asks if I want a beer. He said one might magically appear if that is the case. Who am I to turn down free beer? I take it and have a drink with him before his shift is over.

Shortly after he leaves, I head to bed my self hoping to get at least 4 hours of sleep tonight. I can never fall asleep very early, but I can try.

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