Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ireland Day 2, 3 and 4

My second day in Dublin was pretty uneventful, though still nice. This is a city you can really explore in one day if you want to. The night life is more of what makes Dublin unique.

I took advantage of not having to get up for a flight to sleep in. After I got up, got fed and ready I decided to just wander the city. I am starting to feel better, but still sick. I wander all over the city, at one point stumbling past Google's EU HQ. Sadly, no tours or random visits.

I walk past a few museums, nothing special. The highlight was probably the few city parks I walked through. Absolutely beautiful. In one of them I found a good spot and just sat for an hour thinking about the trip, life and anything else that popped into my head at the moment.

That night the Canadian guy, French guy, myself and two of the American girls from the night before went to a pub near by. After getting there I found it is famous for being the oldest pub in all of Dublin. Small, cozy and lined with dollar bills where people have written where they are from. The five of us have a good time talk about just about anything. Still tired I call it a night around 11pm. I have to be up early the next day....sadly.

Day 3

Today I decide to do a full-day tour of Western Ireland. I get up at 6:30am so I can be at the bus stop by 7am. We take a general bus to the city of Galaway, in which we get picked up by a smaller tour bus. The first ride takes about 2.5 hours, half of which I sleep.

Our first stop is the family's farm. They have tour businesses, these tours, which run everyday of the year except Christmas.....everyday....holy crap. The other is their farm, which is cows. Mostly they breed them and sell off the babies. But to have all these cows you have to have lots of land, which they do. This land also happens to be in a part of Ireland called the (something mountains). Really cool mountains and hills. Very beautiful. We hike around in them, learn about the history, etc. Then we go back to the house and have home made apple pie and carrot cake the Mother of the family made fresh.

Our next stop is the legendary cliffs of Moar. Takes an hour or so to get there. We luck out too, because the weather is pretty nice. Normally, this time of year is terrible in Ireland, but it has been warm enough that I have taken my jacket off. The cliffs are a little colder though and the jacket comes back on. It is a little foggy so our view over the see if pretty limited, but they explain we are lucky because our view of the cliffs is great. Getting this good of a view at this time of the year is less than 50/50.

I walk up and down the cliffs. I find the sign that does don't enter, but notice there is an even better path farther along the cliffs on the other side and there is no wall to stop you from leaning over the edge! So naturally I jump the wall and walk along that path, being careful to stop to the side on the parts where the land has clearly given away and dropped into the sea. (I am chuckling as I know my Mom will be chewing me out later for this). But! I was not the only one with this idea, plenty of other people were walking it, so it can't be that dangerous....right?

After the cliffs we head along the coast and see the scenery change. I am not sure what it is called, but we stop at another section of coast with a pretty cool landscape. The coast is solid rock and all torn up. Looks really cool and is fun to walk on. Only about 20-30 feet above the sea too.

After this we finally head back to Galaway and have 1.5 hours to walk around the city before our bus takes us back to Dublin. It is dark and a cold front have come in, must to my disappointment. I wander the city center, visit some shops before they close (do not get locked-in any of them).

I finally catch the bus and head back to Dublin. I don't really do anything that night. Hang out at the hostel, watch a movie and again go to sleep early.

Day 4

Honestly, Dublin is pretty boring at this point. I can hardly tell you what I did on day 4. I went to the more modern part of Dublin. Mostly just shopping centers. I went to a barber shop and got my beard shaved (it was getting unruly). Finally, I go to bed early yet again. I have another 7am flight to catch.

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