Monday, July 23, 2012

Well, I Guess I should Finish the Story, shouldn't I? Part 1

At this point, 7 months later, I really am finishing my story more for my self than anyone who was reading my adventures.

After returning from Paris to Budapest I enjoyed the comfort of "going home" to Budapest. The truth is around that time Budapest really started to feel like home to me. Kansas City will always be my true home, but I had something in Budapest I have never acquired before. I felt ownership of the city. When I remember Budapest, I remember it like a good friend. I don't just see the beautiful buildings, the kind people, the raging Danube, I see the soul of the city. I see it smiling at me, welcoming me back.

To add to my treat of coming back it was Thanksgiving, which sadly is not celebrated much in Europe....Gees, they must be crazy. But luckily for me Matt's parents just happened to come celebrate this holiday with us and as an added bonus, they brought a turkey and some traditional American food from the military base his Dad works on in Germany. While we hung out at Edit's apartment, talked, watched football, the amazing Beth Shaw cooked us an amazing Thanksgiving dinner.

Now, I had one more trip planned, to Southern Germany and then I was heading back to the States for Christmas. This was bittersweet, since Matt and Edit's wedding was in early January and I had become so close to not just them, but their families. But my VISA was going to expire and I was running out of money. But I couldn't shake this feeling that if I left now I would regret it. I didn't feel like my adventure was done. So I talked to my awesome Mom and her response was "You can have Christmas with us every year, but you will regret it if you miss this wedding." I could never ask or imagine a more amazing Mother than mine. Supports me when I want to quit my job and backpack Europe. Encourages me to live my life to its fullest everyday.

So without telling Matt I change my flight (sadly another $500, but worth it). The next day we are over at Edit's with the Shaws and I tell Matt and Edit that I have their wedding present already and it seems fitting to give it to them now. I hand Matt an envelope with my changed flight itinerary in it. He looks confused and reads it over and I could see the moment when he realized exactly what it was. I told him that due to its cost, this might be the only one they get from me. And I can tell you deciding to stay was one of the best decisions I made.

No what I had to figure out was first, what am I going to do for Christmas? Being as blessed as I am the Shaw's immediately offered to take me in and let me celebrate it with them in Heidlburg, Germany. Edit's family offered to let me spend it with them as well and a few other families in Europe all offered. I can't tell you how lucky I am to have not only had such an amazing European adventure, but to have all these amazing families willing to let me spend the holiday with them. I decided to spend it with the Shaws, since I was looking forward to seeing Matt's brothers who are good friends of mine and see a new part of Germany.

Shortly after this weekend I left for Munich and Southern Germany for a week. I spent 2 days in Munich seeing this beautiful city. Now, I had been to Munich as a kid and have a series of memories from it and was looking forward to how many of those matched up to the present. I did a walking tour and just enjoyed this amazing city. I enjoyed the famous Bavarian Beer, which lives up to its name. And enjoyed watching the famous clock tower in the city center do its noon show.

There were two interesting facts that stood out to me that I didn't know. Firstly, the Nazi moment of the 1920/30s started in Munich. Secondly, only about 4 buildings in the city are the originals from before World War 2 and they are the four tallest. See, precise bombing was difficult during that time period. What the bombardiers used as a reference point was the tallest buildings, so they made sure not to destroy them. But luckily, the city of Munich kept such detailed records of the city and its buildings that they were able to recreate the city in almost its entirety.

After my few days in Munich I was going to visit two of my friends Anna and Volker and their one year-old Leo. They live about two hours away in Ravensburg. Anna was an exchange student with my Grandparents when I was 13. She became family instantly and we still stay in close contact 13 years later. Volker came and picked me up and we enjoyed a nice scenic drive down the autobahn. I enjoyed a few calm days in a beautiful, smaller Germany city. We visited Anna's family a few hours North one day as well.

One of the best parts of this trip was our visit to Nue Schawnstein Castle! This was my favorite place when I was a kid. It is the famous Sleeping Beauty castle built in Southern Germany by the "Mad" King Ludwig the II. It was as breath taking as I remembered. Nestled on a mountain top, surrounded by cliffs.

Anna was kind enough to drive me back to Munich a few days later for my flight back to Budapest. This was one of my calmest but favorite trips in Europe. Just spending time with people close to you, enjoying the food, the winter festivals and the great food.

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