Monday, July 23, 2012

Home At Last - The End to My European Adventure

I left Budapest shortly after the wedding with a heavy heart. I fell in love with this city. It took me in when I needed it most, it accepted me and gave me some of the best times of my life. But I left it proud and happy. I was leaving it knowing my adventure here was over, that I accomplished what I came to do and would be back someday.

I flew from Budapest to Switzerland, where I would enjoy a few days of sightseeing and then my flight home. Now Zurich is insanely expensive. To put it in perspective, the minimum wage equals $18. Yeah....crazy. Luckily for me I had a friend living there who I could stay with! Now my friend is Claudia, another German who is good friends with Anna. Claudia also living in Kansas when Anna did (different family) and we had the privilege of getting to know her as well as Anna.

On top of that Dave and Aileen were finishing up their trip in Zurich as well. So I spent the first half of my day exploring the city and the second half I met up with them for some more sightseeing and drinks. Claudia later joined us for dinner and we all had a blast. But after my 2 days in the city it was time for me to return to the United States for the first time in exactly 4 months.

I landed in Rome on September 12th at 8am. I would land in Kansas City on January 12th, 7pm. But getting home was not that simple.

Now, I know I had over stayed my VISA by a few days, I did not realize it was by 18 days.... I was hoping the Swiss wouldn't notice as I try to get through the airport, but they are to well organized for that. While I am trying to get to the International part of the airport I get stopped and escorted back to the "security" area to talk to immigration officials. After some conversation and sitting, I get slapped with a $750 fine. Now, I have just spent 4 months pack backing around Europe on my own, I felt pretty invincible at this point. I decide to try and haggle.

I look at him and say, "well, what happens if I don't pay?" He looks at me confused as if he has never heard that question before. He says I will be ban from the EU for 5-10 years. I say, "Well, we can't have that, can we? but I don't have $750, I just spent 4 months backpacking Europe...I'll give you $200." He again is startled by my counter-offer and says he needs to discuss it with others. He comes back with a new price $600. We go back and forth until we agree on $450. I could tell he was getting more and more confused during this process. He isn't exactly sure why he is negotiating with someone who is illegally in their country, in their possession, but yet he is. The best part, I just put it on a credit card anyway.

After that they let me go and I get onto my plane for my flight home. It was a nice 7 hour flight to Philadelphia. The best part was the complete lack of people on the plane. I had an entire middle row to my self to sleep on. I got to enjoy a few movies and some god-awful airplane food. When I landed and was going through customs I couldn't wipe the grin off of my face. I was back in the States and going to be home soon.

Now I have been warned about reverse culture shock. People and places are not going to be the same as I remember them, I am going to be looking at American culture from a new perspective. As I get to the gate area to wait for 4 hours for my next flight the first thing I notice is the smell. I smelled fat food. I know this sounds weird, but in Europe they eat unbelievably healthier than we do in America. I could smell the fattening food from the food court. It honestly grossed me out and I was hungary, but couldn't make my self go get something to eat. Everything looked so greasy and unappealing. I felt unhealthier just being there. It was weird feeling out of place in my own culture. It was one of the first realizations of how Europe changed me.

Trying my luck I decided to see if I can somehow get bumped to an earlier Kansas City flight. There was one earlier that I could have barely made, but didn't want to risk it. I noticed it was delayed. I ask one of the US Airway desk attendants about my chances. I explain my situation and say I totally understand if it is not possible, but if it is I would love to see my family that much sooner. She looks and tells me it doesn't look possible. I was a little bummed, but no big deal. About 15 minutes later she calls me up, hands me a ticket for the earlier flight and says "go to the Gate asap, it leaves in 30 minutes. I booked you on it for no extra charge, but left you still on your previous flight incase something goes wrong." I was so stunned, this never happens with American airline companies. She kind lady was my angel and I couldn't express my gratitude enough to her. It was going to make a 2.5 hour different in getting home. I called to let my parents know and hopped on a plane.

Now the downside was my checked bags weren't coming till the later flight, but luckily for me my amazing brother and sister-in-law were flying in to KC later that night and offered to pick them up. I got home around 8pm and could not keep my eyes open to save my life. I had woken up at 7am in Europe, which was midnight in the States. It was 3am for me and I don't know if I have ever felt that tired. I crawled into my incredibly comfortable bed and went to sleep. And then I woke up at 4am wide awake. I forced my self to stay in bed until at least 6am. The week of getting up at 6am and being wide awake was incredible. I wish so much I was a morning person, but after a week I was back to normal.

I still can't believe I did it. I can't believe I lived my dream. I quit my great job, spent my saving and spent 4 amazing months seeing Europe making new friends and making older friends even better ones. I am so blessed that I have friends and family that supported me on this adventure. I am even more excited to continue the adventure that is life, now with a new perspective, conquered fear and an excitement I had never found before.

Thank you for everyone who read my story. It has been 7 months since I returned to the United States and though I took a break from blogging, I think it is time I start again. My adventure keeps going every day, so why not bore you all with it. :-)

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